List of the Best Lofi Piano VSTs Plugin That Every Producer Uses

LoFi tunes and sounds these days are incredibly popular and catchy. Often using minimal instrumentation, artists musically discern which sounds will stand out the most. LoFi piano is a solid and well-established instrument to add into any track.

The issue with piano plugins is the sheer volume of ones to choose from! Recognizing simply the difference between piano, electric keyboard, organ, and more would require a massive list.

Wouldn’t it be nice if that list was already sorted and assembled?

Thankfully, it already is! We have a fully assembled list, hand selected and listened to, of some of the best lofi piano sounds on the internet. The list differentiates between free and premium, so you can always find something that fits the budget.

When it comes to making any music, you never want to skimp on sound quality. Think hard about the sounds that you want and don’t ever settle for anything less.

Music Samples for DJ's from Loopcloud Sounds